
Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey toward greater awareness and joy in our bodies. We hope you will share your insights, successes and questions with us so that we can support one another outside of the studio in our day-to-day lives.

Welcome to Pilates Collective.

Welcome to Pilates Collective.
Movement. Practice. Joy.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pilates for Everyone: New Resources and Insights

We are excited to announce new offerings at Pilates Collective both for our students and for our teachers, existing and up-in-coming.

Since we took on the role of training teachers in 2007/2008 we have seen the need for continued resources for the Pilates community and more importantly our community.

There are a lot of people practicing and promoting Pilates across the globe, but for us what matters most is the impact we make close to home. As professionals in this ever growing field, it's crucial that we stay connected and involved in the greater community of the world aligning ourselves with cutting edge research and innovation. But as studio owners in Sebastopol, Ca it's even more important that we continue to provide exceptional and caring service to you who have embarked on this journey.

What's NEW:

Pilates for Professionals Newsletter - To connect you with other teachers, trainings, workshops and insights right in your local community.

Let us do some of the leg work to keep you involved and connected with what the larger community is doing. Linked to our new Resource for Pilates Professionals Page on the Pilates Collective website, you'll find articles, podcasts and more to help you improve your work.

The newsletter will include opportunities for community service and philanthropy as well. The San Francisco based United Pilates Collective is actively pursuing this and other ways to promote Pilates excellence and support for professionals. See the link in our favorites section to see what they are up to.

Kristen and I have had the pleasure of being involved with them from the beginning and I am chairing the Scholarship and Philanthropy Committee. See the associated Blog link above.

Find out more about this and other community-based opportunities through the Pilates for Professionals Newsletter.

Sign up now by emailing us at info@pilatescollective.com. Re: Professional Newsletter.

NEW for our students - As more and more students expand and explore their Pilates practice we've begun to expand our Self Directed page to help students continue their success outside of sessions and classes

Visit our Self Directed Page on the Pilates Collective website and see that we've added.

Audio files for you to download of generic or specific self directed routines to come soon!!! Hear our voices in your head whenever you need to.

Twitter and Facebook: Join us on these two wildly ubiquitous social networking sites and help us stay connected. It's the perfect place to give feedback, suggestions, inspirations and more. Twitter.com re: SebbiePilates. Facebook.com become a Pilates Collective Fan.

Also, review us on Yelp! Yelp.com. But be sure to have reviewed other businesses as well otherwise Yelp confiscates the review. AHHH...and no one gets to see it. Thank you to those who have done this before.

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