
Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey toward greater awareness and joy in our bodies. We hope you will share your insights, successes and questions with us so that we can support one another outside of the studio in our day-to-day lives.

Welcome to Pilates Collective.

Welcome to Pilates Collective.
Movement. Practice. Joy.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Change... Excerpt from September 2010 Newsletter

"For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Well, here it is -- best said by an American icon. Change brings a balance of things. Knowing this doesn't make it any easier. When we are in the midst of change, especially the first painful bits of shaking things loose, we'd rather be back in the stuck spot where things are at least familiar. Yet once we are past that awful and uncomfortable moment when we first recognize some change is necessary, we move into a new flow, a new rhythm. Once we are there we can't imagine being anywhere else. Change can be funny like that.

I bring this up now because as many of us know, I've been experiencing my own bit of turbulence around change. Our baby, the studio, is moving beyond toddler-hood and it's time to treat it as such -- to let loose and see what it will do. A big step. We've invited several new teachers -- Colleen McCarty and student teacher Tiffany DiMartin -- into the Collective with excitement. And October brings with it a new class format, new pricing and a new schedule.

Certainly, we are no strangers to change. I think Pilates Collective may have undergone so many changes that for some of you it seems we've lived multiple lives together. It's true. For whatever reason, we have chosen this path and it has lead us around more curves than we would have thought we could endure.

So, we take another step forward to lose something and gain something. We hope that you will see your way through all of this to our truest efforts to improve the studio for both students and teachers. It takes both, to make our community what it is and to build a foundation that will last. Of course, there will be bumps in the road. Some changes will feel difficult and some that we thought might be difficult, will be easy. The truth is, you never know how it's going to unfold.

As we make these transitions, please feel free to give us your feedback. We want the studio to be welcoming, safe and supportive to all of you, so your thoughts are invaluable.

And on top of all of this, the season dares to change too. I hope you are all thriving and living the lives you want to be living. We'll see you soon.

With gratitude,

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