
Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey toward greater awareness and joy in our bodies. We hope you will share your insights, successes and questions with us so that we can support one another outside of the studio in our day-to-day lives.

Welcome to Pilates Collective.

Welcome to Pilates Collective.
Movement. Practice. Joy.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Pilates Is a Journey - Excerpt from August 2010 Newsletter

Everyday I hear myself saying Pilates is a journey. To see and feel results you need to practice. There is no end point in which the body is "fixed" and perfectly aligned and functioning without some small bit of work to be done. That's the truth. It's a beautiful truth. Our body's are always teaching us, always changing to offer more insights. The true value of Pilates -- of anything -- is in the practice.

We have been working quite a lot on figuring out what draws people to Pilates? How do we articulate the value of the method? How do we help people understand it and want to do it? Sure it's about fitness, health, strength, well-being, but it's also about making a choice to dedicate yourself to something for the long run. How do we portray all of that?

As most of us know, what we thought Pilates was when we first started is not what it ends up being -- even after our first class we start to have a hint of this. This is one of the most enduring qualities of Pilates. It is always changing, revealing more possibilities.

As teachers we've been doing it for so long it has evolved from and into many things. For some of us ease and efficiency are at it's heart. For some of us it's about mindfulness and observation. For some of us it's about injury prevention and a life with less pain and greater strength. I think I can say with confidence we love Pilates because it's malleable and adaptable to our individual needs. It can be anything we want it to be as long as we are dedicated to it.

But why do you do it? Why would you tell someone else do it? What's the value for anyone?

It's just exercise, right? Sometimes we do it, sometimes we don't. We do it because the "They" are telling us that balance and core work is important or that we must get an hour of exercise a day (or whatever "They" are saying). Maybe we come to it because we want to look a little better in our jeans; we want to like what we see in the reflection of the shop windows; we are in pain; or maybe we want a better golf or tennis game. Every reason is a valid and powerful reason. So, if you know why you started, then why do you continue?

Pilates, for me now, couldn't be further from what I first imagined it was (on the floor, pumping my arms wildly because a very imposing ballet teacher said I must and some German guy back in the 50's said we should). Today, (due in part to a more mature sensibility -- thank goodness for everyone -- and much more experience) I see it is a never-ending process of knowing my body better -- understanding, deepening and unfolding. With knowing comes the skill of observation and awareness. With awareness comes the ability to build strength beyond my immediate goals, pain or challenges. That is why I practice -- I see there is always somewhere new to go and it is never boring!

Whatever the answer is for you we are grateful that you've made a decision to practice. If you wish your practice was more consistent that's why we are here -- to help guide and support you. If you want to start practicing, we are here for that too.

We hope that you have found something in Pilates that will be a part of your life for a long time. We hope that your enthusiasm helps to inspire others to investigate the great potential Pilates holds.

We are grateful for this opportunity to offer something valuable into the world and have so many wonderful people to share it with. Keep practicing or start practicing. We'll see you soon.


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